Results for 'Anzelm Z. Canterbury'

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  1.  12
    Nicholas of Cusa on God as not-other: a translation and an appraisal of De li non aliud.Anzelm Z. Canterbury - 1987 - Minneapolis: A.J. Banning Press. Edited by Jasper Hopkins.
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    Anzelm z Canterbury: natura, porządek, Bóg.Monika Malmon - 2020 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:187-197.
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    Na pomedzí disciplín filozofia.Pojem Boží Všemohoucnosti U. Anselma & Z. Canterbury A. Petra Damianiho - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (6):574.
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    „Komentář“ Anselma z Canterbury k Aristotelovým Kategoriím.Marek Otisk - 2019 - Pro-Fil 20 (2):15.
    Studie se věnuje dialogu Anselma z Canterbury De grammatico. Tento spis byl samotným autorem označen jako úvod do dialektiky. V dobové dialektice zastával klíčové místo Aristotelův spis Kategorie. Tento článek se proto pokouší interpretovat Anselmův dialog jako určitou pedagogicky koncipovanou podobu komentáře k Aristotelovým Kategoriím. V návaznosti na Anselmův spis jsou postupně představeny jednotlivé teze z Aristotelových Kategorií (jak tzv. antepredicamenta, tak pojednání o substanci, kvalitě a částečně i vlastnictví) a způsob, jakým s nimi Anselm pracoval.
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  5. Anzelma z Canterbury dowód ontologiczny. Próba analizy.Adam Nowaczyk - 2002 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 43 (3):81-91.
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    Pojem boží všemohoucnosti U anselma Z canterbury a Petra damianiho.Marek Otisk - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (6).
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    Problem istnienia Boga u Anzelma z Canterbury i Problem prawdy u Henryka z Gandawy.Mieczysław Gogacz - 1961 - Lublin,: Tow. Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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    Significatio a Appellatio v sémantice Anselma z Canterbury.Marek Otisk - 2006 - Studia Neoaristotelica 3 (2):160-179.
    This paper is consecrated to the problems of the semantics in the Anselm’s philosophy of language – one of the most important parts of his philosophical inquiry. The main care is focused to the analysis of terms veritas and rectitudo, mainly because of significatio and the semantics – e.g. significatio with respect to names (proper and common; infinite, privative and empty). Special passage refers to denominative names, because in their case Anselm of Canterbury makes differences between significatio ( per (...)
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    Pojęcie istnienia w czasie a pojęcie współistnienia z czasem w Monologionie Anzelma z Canterbury.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2010 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 58 (1):247-262.
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    Křest̓anství a filosofie: postavy latinské tradice: Augustinus, Boëthius, Jan Eriugena, Anselm z Canterbury, Tomáš Akvinský, Jan Duns Scotus.Lenka Karfíková, Filip Karfík, Václav Němec & František Vilím (eds.) - 1994 - Praha: Česká křest̕anská akademie.
  11. Próba formalizacji wnioskowania zawartego w II rozdziale Proslogionu Anzelma z Canterbury.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2006 - Ruch Filozoficzny 2 (2).
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    O nowszych badaniach dowodu oritologicznego Anzelma z Canterbury.Mieczysław Gogacz - 1963 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 11 (1):103-111.
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    Problem istnienia Boga u Anzelma z Canterbury i problem prawdy u Henryka z Gandawy. [REVIEW]Krescenty Dudak - 1963 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 11 (1):153-155.
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  14. Byt i własności według Anzelma z Canterbury.Leopold Hess - 2007 - Diametros 13:40-57.
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    Problem istnienia Boga u Anzelma z Canterbury i problem prawdy u Henryka z Gandawy. [REVIEW]Zenon Kałuża - 1963 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 11 (1):153-155.
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    Na cestě ke scholastice. Klášterní škola v Le Bec – Lanfranc z Pavie a Anselm z Canterbury[REVIEW]Lukáš Novák - 2005 - Studia Neoaristotelica 2 (1):137-145.
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    Thomas Scott of Canterbury (1566–1635): Patriot, civic radical, puritan.Cesare Cuttica - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (4):475-489.
    This article sheds new light on the interesting but little-studied figure of Thomas Scott of Canterbury (1566–1635). In presenting Scott's ideas I will modify the interpretation laid out by Peter Clark whose groundbreaking study, ‘Thomas Scott and the Growth of Urban Opposition to the Early Stuart Regime’, is still the only secondary source that pays detailed attention to Scott and his thought, especially his religious opinions. The necessity to revisit Clark's interpretation of Scott's place within the political and doctrinal (...)
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    Tragic Elucidations - H. D. Broadhead: Tragica: Elucidations of Passages in Greek Tragedy. Pp. 179. Christchurch, N.Z.: University of Canterbury, 1968. Cloth, £2. 2 s.[REVIEW]Hugh Lloyd-Jones - 1970 - The Classical Review 20 (03):304-305.
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    Koncepcja absolutnej wszechmocy w świetle doktryny o prostocie Boga. Uwagi do Stanisława Judyckiego rozumienia wszechmocy.Ryszard Mordarski - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (2):67-90.
    Koncepcja wszechmocy absolutnej (lub maksymalnej mocy) Boga, prezentowana przez Stanisława Judyckiego, odwołuje się do intuicji bytu najdoskonalszego Anzelma z Canterbury oraz bytu nieskończonego Kartezjusza. Poprzez swój radykalizm narusza jednak podstawowe intuicje klasycznego teizmu, dotyczące rozumności i dobroci bytu Bożego, realizującego te atrybuty w swoim stworzeniu. Wydaje się, że intelektualna cena tej koncepcji jest dosyć wysoka dla racjonalnego rozumienia Boga w doktrynie chrześcijańskiej. Znacznym zrównoważeniem tej koncepcji byłaby propozycja doktryny o prostocie Boga, prezentowana przez Tomasza z Akwinu.
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  20. Anselms Proslogion, “nichts” gegen Nishida und Heidegger.Manfred Gawlina - 2013 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 3 (2):285-300.
    Co jest większe, bycie czy nic? Anzelm dowodzi istnienia Boga przy pomocy nihil. Bóg jako to, od czego nic większego nie może zostać pomyślane przez skończony umysł. Właściwe dla Anzelma logiczne – i być może mistyczne – użycie słowa „nic” domaga się porównania z negatywną ontologią Heideggera i jej recepcją w ramach tzw. Szkoły z Kioto założonej przez Nishidę. Czyż jednak pustka buddyzmu zen nie odsyła nas do – niewypowiedzianej – boskiej obecności?
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    Der Wandel des Intuitionsbegriffs im Spätmittelalter und seine Bedeutung für das neuzeitliche Denken.Matthias Koßler - 1998 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 52 (4):542 - 567.
    Siehe hierzu auch Manuela Lenzens Rezension "Vom Himmel hoch: Wie weit trägt die Intuition der menschlichen Intuition?" in der F.A.Z. vom 28. April 1999Im Spätmittelalter vollzog sich eine Wendung in der Entwicklung des Begriffs der Intuition, die bedeutende philosophiegeschichtliche Konsequenzen hatte, indem in ihr die neuzeitliche Spaltung in eine empiristische und eine spekulative Tradition grundgelegt wurde. Dieser Wandel wird anhand der relevanten Stellen bei Thomas von Aquin, Johannes Duns Scotus und Wilhelm von Ockham dargelegt, wobei zur Erläuterung der Ausgangssituation bei (...)
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  22. Towards a characterization of implicit learning.D. Berry & Z. Dienes - 1993 - In Dianne C. Berry & Zoltan Dienes (eds.), Implicit Learning: Theoretical and Empirical Issues. Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 1--18.
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    Religion in Wittgenstein's Mirror.D. Z. Phillips - 1990 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 28:135-150.
    There is a well-known remark in Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations which even some philosophers sympathetic to his work have found very hard to accept. It reads:Philosophy may in no way interfere with the actual use of language;it can in the end only describe it.For it cannot give it any foundation either.It leaves everything as it is. Surely, it is said, that is carrying matters too far. Wittgenstein's hyperbole should be excused as a harmless stylistic flourish.
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    Replacing Mythos by Logos: An Analysis of Conditions and Possibilities in the Light of Information-Thermodynamic Principles of Social Synergetics and of Their Normative Implications.J. Z. Hubert - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (1-2):93-104.
    Religions, ideologies try to give a complete vision of the world a vision containing both its origin, explanation and a “normative kit”: a collection of precepts and rules, which should regulate human activities and behavior. Their synergetic meaning is clear: if embraced by all they allow for development of strong synergetic effects on the social macro scales. These in turn may lead to creation of order and beauty, of intellectual, spiritual and moral development within men and in society. In this (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Philosophy's Cool Place.D. Z. Phillips - 2001 - Mind 110 (437):257-261.
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    (1 other version)Wittgenstein's on Certainty: There - Like Our Life.D. Z. Phillips (ed.) - 2003 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Rush Rhees, a close friend of Wittgenstein and a major interpreter of his work, shows how Wittgenstein's _On Certainty_ concerns logic, language, and reality – topics that occupied Wittgenstein since early in his career. Authoritative interpretation of Wittgenstein's last great work, _On Certainty_, by one of his closest friends. Debunks misconceptions about Wittgenstein's _On Certainty_ and shows that it is an essay on logic. Exposes the continuity in Wittgenstein's thought, and the radical character of his conclusions. Contains a substantial and (...)
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    Irradiation-induced vacancy and Cu aggregations in Fe–Cu model alloys of reactor pressure vessel steels: state-of-the-art positron annihilation spectroscopy.M. Hasegawa *, Z. Tang, Y. Nagai, T. Chiba, E. Kuramoto & M. Takenaka - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (4-7):467-478.
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    Denken und Arbeiten mit Marx heute.Yasemin Ahi, Esengül Ayyıldız & Muharrem Açıkgöz (eds.) - 2021 - Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
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  29. Ėsteticheskoe: dialogi o tainstvennom: quasi una sinfonia [in rom.].K. Z. Akopi︠a︡n - 1996 - Nizhniĭ Novgorod: Nizhegorodskiĭ gos. lingvisticheskiĭ universitet im. N.A. Dobroli︠u︡bova.
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    The Seven Faces of Anonymity in Academe.Lynn Z. Bloom - 2008 - Symploke 16 (1-2):43-50.
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    The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture, Vol. 1The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture, Vol. 2.Yaron Z. Eliav, Peter Schafer & Catherine Hezser - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):132.
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    Conducting research on academic dishonesty.D. R. Forsyth & Z. Rubin - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (3):356.
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  33. Introduction.T. Z. Lavine - 1981 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 17 (2):94.
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    On the Authority of Science Over Ideology in Louis Althusser: Towards Rancière’s Rupture Epistémologique.Jessie Joshua Z. Lino - 2022 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):320-340.
    This paper provides a discussion of Jacques Rancière’s former teacher at École Normale Supérieure, then famous for fashioning Marxism with the philosophical gauge of structuralism, Louis Althusser. Perhaps a brief discussion on the relation between the two would render context to the origins of Rancière's philosophico-political praxis, specifically the humble beginnings of conceptualizing an egalitarian method out of his philosophical rupture with Althusserianism. Meanwhile, to reduce the philosophical enterprise of Althusser into its practical shortcomings and silence during the revolutionary events (...)
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    Microstructural and optical investigations of Ce-doped barium titanate thin films by FTIR and spectroscopic ellipsometry.S. H. Mohamed & Z. H. Dughaish - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (10):1212-1222.
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    Virtue Epistemology as Anti-luck Epistemology.Alexey Z. Chernyak - 2021 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 58 (4):77-94.
    The idea that knowledge as an individual mental attitude with certain propositional content is not only true justified belief but a belief the truth of which does not result from any kind of luck, is widely spread in contemporary epistemology. This account is known as anti-luck epistemology. A very popular explanation of the inconsistency of that concept of knowledge with the luck-dependent nature of truth (so called veritic luck taking place when a subject’s belief could not be true if not (...)
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  37. On the question of the active-role of reflection in marxist-leninist epistemology.A. Hogenova & Z. Safar - 1989 - Filosoficky Casopis 37 (6):783-794.
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    Agency, Narrative, and Self: A Philosophical Case Conference.John Z. Sadler & K. W. M. Fulford - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (4):295-296.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.4 (2003) 295 [Access article in PDF] Agency, Narrative, and Self:A Philosophical Case Conference John Z. Sadler and K. W. M. Fulford This issue of PPP features our second "philosophical case conference," which addresses three important and interrelated concepts in the philosophy of psychiatry. Our first philosophical case conference (Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology Volume 5, Number 2, 1998) featured detailed case material concerning the manifold (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Through a Darkening Glass, Philosophy, Literature and Cultural Change.D. Z. Phillips - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (3):426-428.
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    (1 other version)El propósito kantiano en la fundamentación de la ética.Z. Ives Benzi - 1986 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 27:65-76.
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  41. National art discourse and the artionym as an “emotional trader” of this context.N. M. Mukhametgareeva & Z. A. Yusupova - 2024 - Liberal Arts in Russia 13 (3):159-166.
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    Neonatal hyperthyroidism alters the development of behavioral arousal and inhibition in the mouse.James M. Murphy & Z. Michael Nagy - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (2):121-123.
  43. Discussions of Simone Weil.D. Z. Phillips (ed.) - 2000 - State University of New York Press.
    _A distinguished discussion of Weil's views on social philosophy, science, ethics, and religion._.
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    Peter Winch 1926-1997.D. Z. Phillips & Richard Schacht - 1997 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 71 (2):132 - 135.
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  45. Die serbische Philosophie heute.Mihailo Đurić & Slobodan Žunjić (eds.) - 1993 - München: Slavic Verlag A. Kovač.
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    Stuck in the Middle: What Should a Good Society Do?John Z. Sadler, Nancy Puzziferri & Anna R. Brandon - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (12):18-20.
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    Energy and Empire.Jed Z. Buchwald - 1991 - British Journal for the History of Science 24 (1):85-94.
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  48. Individual and social wisdom.Jerzy Z. Hubert - 1998 - Dialogue and Universalism 8 (7-12):123.
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    Exact ground states for the four-electron problem in a two-dimensional finite Hubbard square system.E. Kovács & Z. Gulácsi - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (13-14):2073-2099.
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    Intervention I.Mme A. Z. Krygowska - 1967 - Dialectica 21 (1‐4):217-219.
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